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2013 |
Memories: Call for a Post-Socialist Turn," Social Media and Social
Memories: Remembering in Digitally Networked Times (Hajek, Lohmeier,
Pentzold eds.) (forthcoming) |
2013 |
"Languages of Memory,"
Digital Russia: The Language, Culture and Politics of New Media (Gorham,
Lunde, Paulsen, eds.), London:
Routledge (in print) |
2013 |
Digital Memory Studies Should Not Overlook Eastern Europe's Memory Wars,"
Memory and Theory in Eastern
Europe (preliminary title) (Blacker, Etkind, Fedor, eds.), Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan (in print) |
2013 |
auf Panties: Die Sexualisierung Russlands in der spaetsowjetischen und
postsowjetischen Kultur," Genderdiskurse und nationale
Identitaet in Russland: Sowjetische und postsowjetische Zeit (Nohejl,
Gorfinkel, Carl, Cheaure), Munich: Otto Sagner |
2012 |
Sincerity and Sorokin's Thrilogy", Wiener
Slawistischer Almanach, Sonderband 79: Die nicht mehr neuen
Menschen: Russische Filme und Romane der Jahrtausendwende (Lange,
Weller, Witte, eds.), Munich: Otto Sagner (27-55) |
2012 |
Conflicts, New Media," i.c.w. Vera
Zvereva, Memory,
Conflict and New Media: Web Wars in Post-Socialist States (Rutten,
Fedor, Zvereva, eds.), London: Routledge (1-19) |
2012 |
России (Кукулин,
Эткинд, ред.),
Москва: НЛО
(789-809) |
2012 |
on Panties: Sexing Russia in Late Soviet and Post-Soviet Culture,"
Between West and East: Festschrift for Wim Honselaar (Genis, De
Haard, Kalsbeek, Keizer, Stelleman, eds.), Amsterdam: Pegasus
(567-597) |
2011 |
Literature: Reviving Sincerity
in the Post-Soviet World," Reconsidering the Postmodern: European
Literature Beyond Relativism (Van Dijk & Vaessens, eds.),
Chicago/Amsterdam: Chicago/Amsterdam University Press (27-41) |
2009 |
Is the New Right. Or Is It? Linguistic Identity in Russian Writers' Blogs",
Poets to Padonki: Linguistic
Authority and Norm Negotiation in Modern Russian Culture (Lunde,
Paulsen, eds.), Bergen: Slavica Bergensia (97-109) |
2008 |
Sentiments. Pleas for a New Sincerity in Contemporary Russian Literature",
Dutch Contributions to the Fourteenth International Congress of
Slavists (Brouwer, ed.), Amsterdam: Rodopi (201-217) |
2008 |
a Book By Its Cover... Timur Kibirov. Stichi o ljubvi. Al'bom-portret.",
Literature and Beyond. Festschrift for Willem G. Weststeijn. Vol. II
(De Haard, Honselaar, Stelleman, eds.), Amsterdam: Pegasus (689-701) |
2008 |
Postmodern Provocation Meets Social Strategy: Deep
Into Russia", Provocation
and Extravagance in Modern Russian Literature and Culture (Dhooge,
Langerak, Metz, eds.). Amsterdam: Pegasus (163-179) |
2008 |
Америки” до “молодой
дело Дункан",
The Case of the Avant-Garde / Дело
авангарда (Weststeijn, ed). Amsterdam: Pegasus
2007 |
gevangenis als paradijs. Nederland in de film Ik
wil de nor in!",
De zwijgende kastelen op jouw heuvels: Nederland door Russische ogen (Boele,
Scheijen, eds.). Amsterdam: Wereldbibliotheek (140-150) |
2007 |
Versus the People. Viktor Vasnetsov and the Political Interpretation of
Folk Tales in Russian
Culture" / "Kashchei versus het volk. Viktor
Vasnetsov en politieke sprookjes in de Russische cultuur", Russian Fairy
Tales, Folk Tales and Legends / Russische Sprookjes, Volksverhalen en
Legenden (Wageman, ed.), Exhibition Catalogue. Rotterdam: NAI Publishers (50-62) |
2007 |
for Princess Russia: Fairytale Representations of Political Forces in
Modern Russian Literature", Perspectives on Slavic Literatures
(Danaher, Van Heuckelom, eds). Amsterdam: Pegasus (26-57) abstract |