"Midnight Oil (James Medcraft & Nils Porrmann, 'koda mluvit' music video Schneider TM)", 

Frame Magazine № 59, 2007: 56


We simply didnt have the means to build an enormous stage. Nils Porrmann director of the 

London-based creative team Dandelion & Burdock sounds slightly apologetic. For Schneider

TMs latest music video, he and creative companion James Medcraft (United Visual Artists) built 

a rectangular black-walled cubicle in their shared studio-cum-living space. They filled the

3-x-3-x-4-m set with a home-built bath made of MDF protected by a coat of waterproof boat paint.

This dark, confined space formed the stage of Schneider TMs koda mluvit (Czech for not worth

mentioning) video, six copies of which are now in the collection of Londons Victoria and Albert

Museum. To the rhythm of electro beats, parts of Schneider TMs face and body slowly emerge

from an oily substance. Shots which gradually display more and more of his body alternate

with visions of flickering lights reflected in the oil, creating an atmosphere that is sensual,

alienating and claustrophobic.


According to Porrmann, the video was inspired by nightly explorations of our surroundings:

the light in empty car parks, the reflection of water at night, oily surfaces and so forth. In actual

practice, however, oil turned out to be too toxic to use. Extensive research led to a worthy imitation

consisting of water and methyl cellulose. Caressing and clinging to the form of Schneider TM,

the strangling substance and the videos suggestion of imprisoning space form the ultimate backdrop

for a song about love, jealousy and the choking effort to hold your spirit high.

Words Ellen Rutten

Photos Porrmann and Medcraft