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home - interests
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2013 |
imperfectie sexy maakt," Interview Radio 1/Casa Luna, NCRV,
27.08.2013 |
2013 |
Slowakije: 'Talenstudies zijn belangrijk'," Joint mini-interview
with Slowakian ambassador, Folia, 26.06.2013 |
2013 |
en het Ruslandjaar," Interview Radio 1/De GidsFM, VARA, on
Putin's Dutch visit & creative life in Russia today,
08.04.2013 |
2012 |
reis tussen verschillende disciplines," Interview Nieuwsbrief
Geesteswetenschappen 152, oktober |
2012 |
to Radio 1/VPRO, Bureau Buitenland, on the Russian elections &
social media, 04.03.2012 (click
here and opt for 04.03.12, 19:00) |
2012 |
lego mag niet samenscholen," Interview Dutch newspaper nrc.next,
12.02.2012 |
2011 |
to Radio 1/VPRO, Bureau Buitenland, on the Duma elections &
social media, 04.12.2011 (click
here and opt for 04.12.11, 19:00) |
2011 |
burcht van Vladimir Poetin wankelt," Interview Dutch newspaper NRC,
02.12.2011 |
2011 |
op z'n Russisch," Interview Dutch newspaper nrc.next,
02.12.2011 |
2011 |
Interview Het
Parool / PS van de Week, 03.09.2011 (18-24) |
2011 |
Vs Facebook," Interview Dutch newspaper De
Pers, 28.03.2011 |
2009 |
met Stalin. Schandaal in de Russische kunstwereld", De
Groene Amsterdammer №
9 (32-34) |